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Parliament House Environmental Sustainability Strategy

Parliament House Environmental Sustainability Strategy

​​​​​The Parliament's Environmental Sustainability Strategy reflects its commitment to environmental responsibility by actively encouraging sustainable practices and reducing the environmental impact of parliamentary operations across all parliamentary workplaces. This strategy is designed to guide members and staff in adopting environmentally sustainable practices around key focus areas.

Carbon Neutrality
Parliament commits to achieving carbon neutrality for all Parliamentary operations. Through investment in renewable energy and implementing energy-efficient practices, Parliament commits to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 a​nd 70% by 2035 (compared to 2005 levels), and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. 

Zero waste
Parliament is dedicated to becoming a zero-waste institution through reducing, reusing, and recycling resources. 

Sustainable procurement
Parliament's vision is to prioritise environmentally friendly products and services, promote eco-conscious goods and reduce the environmental footprint of our supply chain. 

Sustainable transportation
Parliament will promote sustainable commuting options, provide electric vehicle charging infrastructure and actively encourage the use of public transportation and remote working options for certain roles. 

Parliament will become more resilient and adapted to a changing climate. 

Parliament will foster a culture of sustainability and ensure the parliamentary community is environmentally aware. 

Parliament will be transparent in its sustainability efforts, committing to regularly reporting progress, sharing successes and learnings from challenges. 

The implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy will require an Action Plan (Roadmap) that is developed in consultation with the Parliamentary community. The roadmap will outline specific goals, timelines, and responsibilities for each focus area. The roadmap will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the Parliament's continuous commitment to environmental sustainability.